Victorinox Rocky Mountains National Park Poster Art Classic SD Swiss Army Knife

SKU: SA55483
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The Rocky Mountains National Park Poster Art Classic SD Swiss Army Knife by Victorinox is a special edition Classic SD features the artwork of Doug Leen, AKA "Ranger of the Lost Art," who strives to educate people about the importance of nature conservation. A former Grand Teton National Park Ranger, Doug Leen created this unique silk-screen reproduction of the New Deal Era National Park poster for the Rocky Mountains.

The Classic SD is the bestselling Swiss Army Knife by Victorinox. It features 7 tools, and is only 2.25 inches long, making it the ideal addition to your keychain.

The New Deal posters that inspired Ranger Doug were created by the Works Progress Administration between 1938 and 1941 to encourage tourism and keep the preservation of our National Parks at the forefront of our national consciousness.

Colorado's Rocky Mountains National Park features mountains, forests and alpine tundra. Over 100 peaks in this awe inspiring park soar to above 11,000 feet, and the park is filled with wildlife from wild elk to chipmunks.

Take your Rocky Mountains National Park Classic SD Knife everywhere from your next park visit to your everyday errands.

Rocky Mountains Classic SD Swiss Army Knife Features:

  • Bold Handles Featuring the Art of Ranger Doug Leen's Silkscreen Reproduction of the New Deal Era Rocky Mountains National Park Poster
  • Small Blade
  • Scissors
  • Nail File with Screwdriver Tip
  • Toothpick
  • Tweezers
  • Key Ring

Length (Closed):
2.25 inches

Discover more knives featuring America's National Parks with the complete Ranger Doug Ranger of the Lost Art National Parks Design Collection of Swiss Army Knives by Victorinox.

Swiss-made • Lifetime Warranty

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